
A summary of the Covenant of Insula Canaria.

Oath of Membership

  • Charter was initially signed in 1143, and approved by Ulric of Guernicus.
  • The signatory swears to uphold the Charter as they would the Code of Hermes. He will neither betray Insula Canaria nor give aid to her enemies.
  • She will aid the Covenant in whatever way she can, and devote herself to her service if the need is clear.
  • She will abide by the Council's decisions.
  • She will treat her sodales with respect and fairness, and not attempt to harm them in any way.


  • There are two types of membership (Probationary and Full), as well as a Protected Guest Statu
  • Protected Guest may be extended by any Full Member of Insula Canaria.
  1. He is afforded the basic rights detailed elsewhere in the Charter.
  2. She is not obligated to the Council, and is not a member of the Council.
  3. She may join Council meetings if she chooses, but is required to leave if asked by a Council member.
  4. He has no voice or vote unless granted one by the Disceptator.
  5. This status may be revoked by the member who granted it, or by a vote of the Council. : definition
  • Probationary Member may be extended to any member in good standing of the Order of Hermes.
  1. He may owe no allegiance or fealty to another covenant.
  2. Admittance requires a unanimous vote of the Council.
  3. She has the basic and provisional rights detailed by the Charter, as well as the duties required.
  4. Provisional Membership lasts seven seasons, unless abridged through censure or cancelled through expulsion.
  • Full Membership is automatically extended to to a Probationary Member after he's completed his probationary duties and obligations, unless testimony is brought against him that proves him unfit to swear the Oath in good conscience; in such case, all rights of membership will be withdrawn.
  1. If she's elevated to Full Member, then all her Probationary rights and duties are replaced by those detailed by the charter.
  2. Full membership persists unless abridged through censure or cancelled through expulsion.
  3. A magus may resign from the Covenant in the presence of at least two other Members, and is thereby relieved of all her rights and duties.
  • A magus who dies while a Full or Probationary Member in good standing, and whose spirit returns, shall be granted the title of Member Emeritus, which has the same rights and responsibilities as a Protected Guest.

Governance of the Covenant

  • The Council consists of all Probationary and Full Members of the Covenant.
  • It shall not declare action except on behalf of all members.
  • No actions may be demanded of a single individual by council agreement.
  • The rulings of the Council may not be overturned by an individual.
  • Any member may convene a Council meeting to consider grave matters, and all matters have a duty of attendance and diligence.
  • A quorum consists of half of the current Members of the Council. If a quorum is not present, then the matter must be delayed until a full council may be convened.
  • The Council meets four times a year, on the day before each Equinox and Solstice.
  • Motions must be introduced by a member, debated fully, then voted on. Proposing a vote must be seconded before the motion can be voted on.
  • A unanimous vote is required for changes to the Charter, expelling a member, or accepting a Probationary Member. All other votes require a simple majority.
  • The council chooses a Disceptator to represent the Covenant in both Hermetic and mundane concerns.
  • Being a Disceptator is a mandatory duty of every full Member, and rotates from one to another in order of Hermetic age oldest to youngest (see below).
  • The Disceptator serves for seven years, starting the year after Tribunal.
  • Her duties are to attend regular Council meetings, to keep order at meetings, to break ties, to determine the yearly surplus, and to act as the Council's spokesman.
  • He is not empowered to rule on the covenant's behalf, but is charged with ensuring that the Council's rulings are carried out.

Resources Owned by the Covenant

  • Insula Canaria's resources are held by the Council, and it is the council's responsibility to maintain and defend them.
  • The covenant claims all the vis from undisputed and unclaimed sources discovered by members of the council, and any vis gifted to the Council as a whole. The first harvest of a new vis source belongs to the finder(s). In all other situations, undisputed and unclaimed vis belongs to the finder(s).
  • The covenant claims all books obtained by members while acting at the council's request, all books scribed by members for which they received payment from the covenant, and all books gived to the Council as a whole.
  • The covenant claims all magic items obtained by members while acting at the council's request, all magic items made by members for which they received payment from the covenant, and all books gived to the Council as a whole.
  • The covenant claims all money generated by the covenant's resources, all money received by mebers while acting at the council's request, and all money gifted to the Council as a whole.
  • The covenant lays claim to the buildings, defenses, chattels, and inhabitants, and to any such buildings, defenses, chattels, and inhabitants gifted to the Council as a whole.
  • Surplus resources are determined at the Winter council meeting. Resources needed for the continued existence of Insula Canaria and the protection of its members' rights are accounted first (including payment for any work done on the covenant's behalf and vis for casting the Aegis of the Hearth). Contributions to debts owed by the covenant are also accounted for. The remaining resources are deemed "surplus" and are allocated to the settlement of requests for each member of the Covenant.
  • In recognition of the protection and other benefits extended to us by Clan Glengarry, Insula Canaria pledges to continue the mutual contributions and support with the Clan as the Oath of Hermes and the Peripheral Code allow.
  • The Covenant recognizes the Faerie of the Burgh as allies, and pledges its protection and support to the extent allowed by the Oath of Hermes and the Perieral Code.

Rights of the Members of this Covenant

  • Every member and Protected Guest shall be entitled to full, unrestricted access to the protection and support of the Covenant within its boundaries by all the rights and benefits of the Code of Hermes, the benefit of an inviolate sanctum and the supply of materials thereof, access to the library, and the victuals appropriate to his status. These rights may not be abridged except by expulsion from the Council.
  • A full member of the Council is entitled to presence and a vote in the Council; full and unrestricted access to the services and skills of the servants and covenfolk; an equal right to all surplus provisions and store necessary to his studies or the travel demanded by his studies, includingn vis, money, and various magical or mundane resources of the covenant.
  • In case of a conflict between members over allotment of surplus resources (where claims have not already been advanced and agreed to by the disceptator), distribution is by drawing lots.
  • A probationary member is entitled to a half share of the rights and duties offered a full member and a half share of the surplus. They are entitled to the services and skills of the servants and covenfolk, but the needs of a full member take priority over those of a probationary one. A probationary member who remains true to her Oath of Covenant has the right to remain for seven seasons after being accepted as a probationary member, and has the right to be considered for full membership after that time. These rights shall not be abridged except by decision of e council.

Responsibilities of the Members of the Covenant

  • Members are obligated to obey the Oath of Hermes and the Peripheral Code. The Council reserves the right to censure members convicted in just Tribunal of an offense against the Order of Hermes.
  • The Council will declare duties that need to be performed at the regular meetings of the covenant. Duties include safeguarding and harvesting vis and income, the wellbeing and discipline of the covenant's employees, maintenance and increase of the covenant's resources, and maintenance of good relations with the covenant's allies. Duties lasting less than a week with minimal personal risk will be assigned to the members, with no more than one such duty per member per season. These attract no recompense or advantage to the member who performs them, but cannot be refused without reasonable cause.
  • Duties requiring more time or personal risk will be offered up for service by the covenant. They will be compensated according to the time, risk, and potential benefit to the covenant. Compensation is decided by the Disceptator; minimum payment, for a single season of work with low risk and low gain, two pawns of whatever vis the Covenant has the most of. The Disceptator may increase the pay to increase the attractiveness of a more urgent task; the Council can't force a member to accept such a duty, unless failure to perform said duty would place the member in breach of the covenant, in which case threat of censure may be used.
  • All payments for duties performed will be made in the Spring meeting.
  • If there is more than one claimant for the service, and each claimant refuses to share the duty or to yield to the other, then the Disceptator will assign the duty by ballot.
  • If there is insufficient vis to pay for the demands of the Council, the Disceptator may withhold payment until such time as there is sufficient vis.
  • Covenant work may be declared so after the fact.
  • Each probationary member is required to perform at least one of the paid tasks outlined by the Council during his probationary period. No payment need be offered for this service.

Censure of the Members of the Covenant

  • If a member should disobey the decisions of the Council or the rules of the Charter, then the member may be censured or expelled by the Council.
  • Censure requires a vote of the Council. The censure of a Full Member reduces him to Probationary status. The censure of a Probationary Member reduces him to Protected Guest status.
  • Expulsion requires a unanimous vote of the other members of the Council. It is the only way a member can lose her rights. The former member is required to stop drawing upon those rights at the full moon following the vote.
  • Should a member be cast out of the Order, he shall automatically be expelled from the covenant.
  • Any attempt to harm the Niseag (intentionally or otherwise) shall be viewed as an attempt to deprive the Covenant of its magical power. A magus who does so may be subject to Censure or Expulsion. The Council will take no punitive action against a member for actions in the defense of the Niseag.


Faileas of Criamon
Drystan of Merinita
Eilid of Bjornaer
Scylla of Merinita
Curwen ex Miscellanea Damhadh-Duidsan
Sylvanus ex Miscellanea Caomhnóir an Foraoise
Cainnech ex Miscellanea
Eilid of Bjornaer
Cináed of Bonisagus
Doineann ex Miscellanea
Fiona ex Miscellanea
Boudicca of Bonisagus
Angus of Tytalus
Gavin ex Miscellanea
Corbin of Merinita
Laerleggr of Verditius
Corvus of Merinita

Hermetic Age of Current Members

Year Gauntleted Member(s)
1138 Eilid
1207 Boudicca
1212 Beatrix, Gavin, Lepos
1213 Hope
1214 Laerleggr
1217 Corbin
1219 Corvus, Dušan
1220 Angus
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